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monster hunter now 2

Mastering the Hunt: A Beginner’s Guide to “Monster Hunter Now”

Unleashing the Hunter Within: Essential Tips and Advanced Strategies for Every Aspiring Monster Hunter

Embarking on a journey through the thrilling world of “Monster Hunter Now”? You’re in for an exhilarating adventure! This beginner’s guide is packed with essential tips and tricks to help you navigate the complex yet rewarding landscape of this game. Whether you’re learning the ropes of hunting, understanding monster behaviors, or honing your crafting skills, this guide has got you covered.

1. Understand Your Equipment

• Choosing the Right Weapon: Each weapon in “Monster Hunter Now” has its unique playstyle. Experiment with different weapons to find one that suits your gaming style. Remember, there’s no “best” weapon; it’s all about what works for you.
• Armor and Gear: Armor isn’t just about defense. Different sets provide various skills that can enhance your abilities. Pay attention to these skills and how they can synergize with your weapon of choice.

2. Study Your Prey

• Monster Research: Before engaging in battle, take the time to study your target. Learning about a monster’s weaknesses and attack patterns can turn the tide of the hunt.
• Environmental Awareness: The environment can be both a friend and foe. Use the terrain to your advantage, but be wary of environmental hazards.

3. Mastering the Art of Crafting

• Collecting Resources: Gathering materials is crucial. These resources are used for crafting potions, traps, and upgrading equipment.
• Crafting and Upgrading: Regularly upgrade your weapons and armor. Also, keep a healthy stock of healing and utility items to stay prepared for any situation.

4. The Importance of Palicoes

• Your Feline Companions: Palicoes are more than just adorable companions; they provide invaluable assistance during hunts. Equip them properly and make use of their skills.

5. Joining the Community

• Playing with Others: “Monster Hunter Now” has a vibrant community. Joining forces with other players can make challenging hunts more manageable and enjoyable.
• Learning from Veterans: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from experienced players. They can offer insights and strategies that are not immediately obvious to new players.

6. Practice and Patience

• Learning Curve: The game has a steep learning curve. Be patient and practice. Each hunt is a learning opportunity.
• Adapting Strategies: Be flexible in your approach. What works for one monster might not work for another.


“Monster Hunter Now” offers a rich and rewarding experience for those willing to invest time and effort into mastering its complexities. By understanding your equipment, studying your prey, mastering crafting, utilizing your Palico companions, engaging with the community, and practicing patience, you’ll find yourself evolving from a novice hunter into a seasoned veteran. Happy hunting!

FAQ Section

For Beginners:

– Q: What are the easiest weapons for beginners to use?
– A: The Sword and Shield are great for their versatility, Dual Blades for fast-paced combat, and the Long Sword for its balance of range and power. The Heavy Bowgun is excellent for those preferring ranged combat.

– Q: How do I know which armor to choose?
– A: Early on, focus on armor that boosts your defense. As you progress, look for armor that complements your playstyle with specific skills (like increased attack for aggressive players or enhanced stamina for those using more agile weapons).

– Q: Should I focus on crafting or buying equipment?
– A: Crafting is generally more beneficial as it allows for more customization and stronger gear. Save your in-game currency for necessities like potions and traps.

– Q: How important are consumables in a hunt?
– A: Extremely. Always carry healing potions, stamina boosts, and other consumables like traps and bombs. They can make a significant difference in your hunt’s success.

For Seasoned Players:

– Q: What advanced tactics should I learn to improve my hunting skills?
– A: Mastering the art of dodging, learning to read monster tells for big attacks, and utilizing the environment effectively are crucial. Also, refine your skill in using items quickly and at the right moment.

– Q: How do I tackle high-level monsters effectively?
– A: High-level monsters require a deeper understanding of their behavior and weaknesses. Coordinate with your team to exploit these weaknesses, and make sure everyone is equipped with the right gear and consumables.

– Q: Are there any specific strategies for multiplayer hunts?
– A: Communication is key. Assign roles (like attacker, support, trap setter) based on each player’s strengths. Make sure to stagger your heavy attacks to maximize damage without knocking each other around.

Best Weapons for Different Playstyles:

– For Aggressive Play: Great Sword, Dual Blades
– For Tactical Play: Bow, Charge Blade
– For Defensive Play: Lance, Gunlance
– For Versatility: Long Sword, Switch Axe

Recommended Armor Sets:

– Early Game: Jagras, Kulu, Barroth (offers a good mix of defense and utility skills)
– Mid Game: Anjanath, Rathalos (provides higher defense and beneficial skills like Attack Boost)
– Late Game: Elder Dragon armors (offering high defense and powerful set bonuses)

By using these tips and understanding the intricacies of “Monster Hunter Now,” both beginners and seasoned players can enhance their hunting experience, achieve greater success in their quests, and enjoy the rich, immersive world of the game to its fullest.

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    Written by Joseph Cameron (Joevellius)

    My opinions are my own. NJBIZ Award Winning Senior Marketing Specialist at Brach Eichler Counselors at Law, Co-Producer Jersey City Pride, and Partner at SpeedrunHypeTV.

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